Home Alerts New 2021 petition!

New 2021 petition!

by savecalusa

Update 3/11/2021 NEW PETITION LINK: www.change.org/savecalusa 

Who should sign: All residents concerned with the long-term impacts of a large-scale development of 550 homes on our 168 acres of green space may sign. Communities must support each other! Calusa is in District 7, but Districts 8,10 and 11 are across the street (REALLY!), and District 11 is only a mile away. Even if you signed our petition last year, this one is NEW so please sign this one!

Petition History: In 2020, we obtained 3952 petition signatures (3174 online and 778 paper) fighting to KEEP our 99 year covenant, and AGAINST a large scale development and the long term environment, infrastructure and traffic implications on our  quality of life in Calusa. Since this petition was specific to releasing the Covenant, it is now closed.

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